Food Waste Facts

Food: We all Purchase It, Consume It and Discard It Everyone eats out at some point, grocery shops, prepares food at home and unfortunately discards food. Do you know how much food waste is [...]

How To Prepare HHW Items

I Want to Bring My HHW Materials, but How Do I Prepare Them?   Cleaning out the garage or shed is a sure sign of spring. With the spring like weather we have already experienced, you may [...]

What Does the NISWMD Do?

The Northeast Indiana Solid Waste Management District (NISWMD), or District for short, has been around for several years now. Despite outreach programs, publicity and educational campaigns, there [...]

Local Lawmakers Visit NISWMD

The Northeast Indiana Solid Waste District had the opportunity to discuss resource recovery programs like recycling and composting with State Representative Dennis Kruse, State Senator Sue Glick [...]

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